
your FabLab mail address

Why fabmail?

Be part of the FabLab community and get your own FabLab mail address.

woman writing on a type writer

How does it work?

The mail service itself is done by Google. They are providing a state of the art email services and guarantees a high availability. Also you can use your FabMail-address with all your fancy devices and Google services. So after registration you log into your (new) Google Apps account and are ready to go.

two men looking at a mobile phone

How to get the fabmail-Address

Just fill out this form (it will generate an email):

men writing with a pen on a paper

Who are we?

Fab mail is provided as a service free of charge for all people working for or at a fab lab.
This domain is owned by FabLab Nuremberg (Germany).


Responsible for FabMail.org is:

Fab Lab Region Nürnberg e.V.
Schwabacher Straße 512
90763 Fürth, Germany

Board: Roland Möltner, Tobias Bozin, Nicolas Metz, Tom Tchilov, Michael Prell